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1.
Life
may
knock
you
down,
but
you
have
to
find
the
strength
to
get
back
up
again.
【#NeverGiveUp】
2.
Tears
are
not
a
sign
of
weakness,
but
a
release
of
the
pain
that
resides
in
your
heart.
【#LetItOut】
3.
Memories
can
be
both
a
blessing
and
a
curse.
They
bring
us
joy,
but
also
reminders
of
what
we've
lost.
【#EmbraceThePain】
4.
In
the
darkest
moments,
it's
important
to
remember
that
there
is
always
a
glimmer
of
hope.
【#HoldOn】
5.
Time
heals
all
wounds,
but
the
scars
remain.
Learn
to
live
with
them
and
grow
from
them.
【#BeStrong】
6.
Love
can
be
the
most
beautiful
and
the
most
painful
experience.
But
it's
worth
taking
the
risk.
【#LoveHard】
7.
Life
is
a
journey
filled
with
highs
and
lows.
Embrace
every
moment
and
learn
from
every
experience.
【#KeepGoing】
8.
Grief
has
no
timeline.
Take
all
the
time
you
need
to
heal
and
find
your
new
normal.
【#ItsOkToTakeTime】
9.
The
pain
never
truly
goes
away,
but
eventually,
it
becomes
easier
to
live
with.
【#KeepMovingForward】
10.
No
matter
how
alone
you
feel,
know
that
you
are
never
truly
alone.
Others
are
facing
their
own
struggles
and
can
relate.
【#YouAreNotAlone】
11.
Sometimes,
the
strongest
thing
you
can
do
is
admit
that
you
need
help.
Reach
out
when
you
need
it.
【#AskForHelp】
12.
Life
is
unpredictable.
The
only
thing
we
can
control
is
how
we
react
to
the
challenges
we
face.
【#StayPositive】
13.
It's
easy
to
get
lost
in
the
darkness,
but
remember
that
there
is
always
a
light
at
the
end
of
the
tunnel.
【#FindTheHope】
14.
Time
may
fly
by,
but
the
memories
will
last
a
lifetime.
Cherish
the
moments
that
matter.
【#HoldOnToTheGood】
15.
Life
can
feel
like
a
constant
battle,
but
every
victory
is
worth
celebrating.
【#CelebrateTheWins】
16.
It's
ok
to
feel
sad.
It's
ok
to
feel
lost.
But
know
that
it
won't
last
forever.
【#ThisTooShallPass】
17.
The
hardest
battles
are
often
the
ones
we
fight
within
ourselves.
But
we
are
stronger
than
we
know.
【#BelieveInYourself】
18.
When
life
gets
tough,
hold
on
to
the
things
that
bring
you
joy.
It
will
help
you
get
through
the
tough
times.
【#FindTheJoy】
19.
Life
is
precious
and
fragile.
Don't
waste
a
single
moment.
【#SeizeTheDay】
20.
When
you
feel
like
you
can't
go
on,
remember
that
you've
made
it
through
tough
times
before.
You
can
do
it
again.
【#YouGotThis】