1.
"Gratitude
is
the
memory
of
the
heart.
"
-
Jean
Baptiste
Massieu
【gratitude】
2.
"The
more
grateful
am,
the
more
beauty
see.
"
-
Mary
Davis
【beauty】
3.
"The
greatest
blessings
of
mankind
are
within
us
and
within
our
reach.
wise
man
is
content
with
his
lot,
whatever
it
may
be,
without
wishing
for
what
he
has
not.
"
-
Seneca
【blessings】
4.
"Gratitude
unlocks
the
fullness
of
life.
It
turns
what
we
have
into
enough,
and
more.
It
turns
denial
into
acceptance,
chaos
into
order,
confusion
into
clarity.
.
.
Gratitude
makes
sense
of
our
past,
brings
peace
for
today
and
creates
a
vision
for
tomorrow.
"
-
Melody
Beattie
【fullness】
5.
"Be
thankful
for
what
you
have;
you'll
end
up
having
more.
If
you
concentrate
on
what
you
don't
have,
you
will
never,
ever
have
enough.
"
-
Oprah
Winfrey
【thankful】
6.
"Gratitude
can
transform
common
days
into
thanksgivings,
turn
routine
jobs
into
joy,
and
change
ordinary
opportunities
into
blessings.
"
-
William
Arthur
Ward
【transform】
7.
"Gratitude
is
not
only
the
greatest
of
virtues,
but
the
parent
of
all
others.
"
-
Marcus
Tullius
Cicero
【virtues】
8.
"Let
us
be
grateful
to
the
people
who
make
us
happy;
they
are
the
charming
gardeners
who
make
our
souls
blossom.
"
-
Marcel
Proust
【people】
9.
"Gratitude
is
a
powerful
catalyst
for
happiness.
It’s
the
spark
that
lights
a
fire
of
joy
in
your
soul.
"
-
Amy
Collette
【happiness】
10.
"Gratitude
is
the
fairest
blossom
which
springs
from
the
soul.
"
-
Henry
Ward
Beecher
【fairness】
11.
"It
is
not
happy
people
who
are
grateful,
it
is
grateful
people
who
are
happy.
"
-
Unknown
【happy】
12.
"Gratitude
is
the
healthiest
of
all
human
emotions.
The
more
you
express
gratitude
for
what
you
have,
the
more
likely
you
will
have
even
more
to
express
gratitude
for.
"
-
Zig
Ziglar
【health】
13.
"Gratitude
is
the
attitude
that
takes
you
to
your
altitude.
"
-
Michael
Beckwith
【attitude】
14.
"Let
us
rise
up
and
be
thankful,
for
if
we
didn't
learn
a
lot
today,
at
least
we
learned
a
little,
and
if
we
didn't
learn
a
little,
at
least
we
didn't
get
sick,
and
if
we
got
sick,
at
least
we
didn't
die;
so,
let
us
all
be
thankful.
"
-
Buddha
【rise
up】
15.
"Gratitude
is
the
foundation
of
all
good
things
in
life,
and
the
gateway
to
all
peace
and
happiness.
"
-
Ravi
Shankar
【foundation】
16.
"The
world
has
enough
beautiful
mountains
and
meadows,
spectacular
skies
and
serene
lakes.
It
has
enough
lush
forests,
flowered
fields,
and
sandy
beaches.
It
has
plenty
of
stars
and
the
promise
of
a
new
sunrise
and
sunset
every
day.
What
the
world
needs
more
of
is
people
to
appreciate
and
enjoy
it.
"
-
Michael
Josephson
【appreciate】
17.
"Gratitude
is
the
most
exquisite
form
of
courtesy.
"
-
Jacques
Maritain
【courtesy】
18.
"The
more
we
express
gratitude,
the
more
we
are
given
to
express
gratitude
for.
"
-
Sarah
Ban
Breathnach
【express】
19.
"Gratitude
is
the
fairest
blossom
which
springs
from
the
soul.
"
-
Henry
Ward
Beecher
【soul】
20.
"Gratitude
is
not
only
the
greatest
of
virtues,
but
the
parent
of
all
others.
"
-
Marcus
Tullius
Cicero
【virtues】
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