1.
“Love
is
a
journey
that
two
people
embark
on
together,
and
marriage
is
the
destination.
”
【爱情是两个人共同踏上的旅程,婚姻是目的地。
】
2.
“When
you
find
the
person
who
complements
your
heart
and
soul,
it's
worth
celebrating
in
a
beautiful
wedding
dress.
”
【当你找到与你心灵相契合的人,值得穿上美丽的婚纱庆祝。
】
3.
“Marriage
is
not
just
about
finding
someone
you
can
live
with,
it's
about
finding
someone
you
can't
live
without.
”
【婚姻不仅是找一个可以共度一生的人,更是找到那个不能没有的人。
】
4.
“A
wedding
dress
is
not
just
a
garment,
it's
a
symbol
of
love
and
commitment.
”
【婚纱不只是一件衣服,更是爱和承诺的象征。
】
5.
“In
a
world
full
of
uncertainty,
love
is
the
only
constant.
”
【在这个充满不确定性的世界里,爱是唯一不变的。
】
6.
“A
wedding
is
the
start
of
a
new
chapter
in
your
life,
make
sure
to
write
it
with
love.
”
【婚礼是你生命的新篇章的开端,一定要用爱来书写它。
】
7.
“Love
is
patient,
love
is
kind,
and
love
is
putting
on
a
beautiful
wedding
dress
to
say
‘I
do’.
”
【爱是耐心,爱是善良,爱也是穿上美丽的婚纱说“我愿意”。
】
8.
“A
successful
marriage
requires
falling
in
love
many
times,
always
with
the
same
person.
”
【成功的婚姻需要重复陷入爱河,但爱的对象始终不变。
】
9.
“A
wedding
is
a
day,
a
marriage
is
a
lifetime.
”
【婚礼只是一天,而婚姻是一辈子。
】
10.
“Where
there
is
love,
there
is
a
beautiful
wedding
dress
waiting
to
be
worn.
”
【有爱的地方,总有一件美丽的婚纱等待着穿上它。
】
11.
“Marriage
is
not
just
about
being
happy,
it's
about
making
each
other
happy.
”
【婚姻不仅是让自己快乐,更是让对方快乐。
】
12.
“A
wedding
dress
can
be
a
window
into
a
bride's
soul,
revealing
her
hopes
and
dreams
for
the
future.
”
【婚纱可以是窥视新娘内心深处的窗口,揭示她对未来的希望和梦想。
】
13.
“Love
is
not
just
a
feeling,
it's
a
choice
you
make
every
day.
”
【爱不仅是感觉,更是每一天你做出的选择。
】
14.
“A
wedding
is
not
about
the
flowers,
the
food,
or
the
decorations,
it's
about
the
love
between
two
people.
”
【婚礼不是关于花朵、美食或装饰,它关于两个人之间的爱。
】
15.
“When
two
hearts
become
one,
magic
happens.
”
【当两颗心融合在一起,魔法便在此刻发生。
】
16.
“The
love
you
share
on
your
wedding
day
should
last
a
lifetime.
”
【你在婚礼上分享的爱应该伴随一生。
】
17.
“Marriage
is
a
journey,
and
a
wedding
is
just
the
first
step.
”
【婚姻是一个旅程,而婚礼只是第一步。
】
18.
“Love
is
like
a
flower,
it
needs
care
and
attention
to
flourish.
”
【爱就像一朵花,需要精心呵护才能茁壮成长。
】
19.
“A
wedding
day
might
last
for
just
a
few
hours,
but
the
memories
will
last
a
lifetime.
”
【婚礼可能只持续几个小时,但记忆会持续一生。
】
20.
“A
wedding
dress
is
not
just
a
symbol
of
beauty,
it's
a
symbol
of
hope
and
endless
possibilities.
”
【婚纱不仅是美的象征,还是希望和无限可能的象征。
】
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