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1.
Beauty
is
not
just
a
physical
attribute,
but
a
reflection
of
our
inner
selves.
【心灵美才是真正的美】
2.
kind
heart
shines
brighter
than
any
physical
appearance.
【一颗善良的心比任何外表都更加耀眼】
3.
Our
thoughts
and
emotions
shape
the
way
we
look
and
feel.
【我们的思想和情感塑造了我们的外表和感受】
4.
Genuine
beauty
radiates
from
within
and
touches
the
hearts
of
those
around
us.
【真正的美会从内部散发出来,触动我们周围人的心灵】
5.
Our
attitudes
and
perspectives
can
either
enhance
or
diminish
our
beauty.
【我们的态度和观点可以增强或减弱我们的美丽】
6.
Beauty
is
not
limited
by
age,
gender,
or
race.
It
transcends
all
boundaries.
【美丽不会受到年龄、性别或种族的限制,它超越了所有的界限】
7.
Love
and
compassion
make
us
more
beautiful
than
any
cosmetics
or
clothing.
【爱和同情比任何化妆品或衣服都让我们更加美丽】
8.
Confidence
and
self-acceptance
are
key
to
unlocking
our
inner
beauty.
【自信和自我接纳是释放内在美的关键】
9.
Beauty
is
a
state
of
mind,
an
attitude
that
reflects
our
innermost
selves.
【美是一种心境,是一种反映我们内在最深层自我的态度】
10.
Our
actions
and
behaviors
can
either
enhance
or
detract
from
our
beauty.
【我们的行为和行动可以增强或减弱我们的美丽】
11.
Beauty
is
not
a
destination,
but
a
journey
of
self-discovery
and
self-improvement.
【美不是终点,而是自我发现和自我提升的旅程】
12.
The
way
we
treat
ourselves
and
others
is
a
reflection
of
our
inner
beauty.
【我们如何对待自己和他人,是我们内在美的一种反映】
13.
genuine
smile
is
the
most
beautiful
accessory
anyone
can
wear.
【真诚的微笑是任何人最美的点睛之笔】
14.
Our
scars
and
imperfections
are
reminders
of
our
resilience
and
strength.
【我们的伤疤和缺陷提醒我们的韧性和力量】
15.
Beauty
is
not
a
standard
to
be
measured
by
others,
but
a
personal
and
unique
expression
of
ourselves.
【美不是要被别人衡量的标准,而是我们自己独特的表达】
16.
Our
inner
beauty
is
a
gift
that
we
can
share
with
the
world.
【我们内在美是我们可以与世界分享的礼物】
17.
Beauty
is
not
an
illusion
created
by
makeup
and
filters,
but
a
reality
that
comes
from
within.
【美不是化妆和滤镜创造的幻觉,而是来自内心的真实】
18.
Our
thoughts
and
words
have
the
power
to
create
beauty
or
ugliness
in
the
world.
【我们的思想和话语有创造美丽或丑陋的力量】
19.
Our
unique
qualities
and
quirks
are
what
make
us
truly
beautiful.
【我们独特的品质和怪癖是让我们真正美丽的原因】
20.
Beauty
is
not
something
to
be
acquired,
but
a
quality
that
exists
within
us
all.
【美不是一种需要获得的东西,而是存在于我们所有人内心的品质】