1.
"Sometimes
all
it
takes
is
just
one
injury
to
change
everything.
"
【伤痛】
2.
"The
hardest
part
about
an
injury
is
not
being
able
to
play
the
game
you
love.
"
【追梦难】
3.
"Injury
is
a
temporary
setback,
but
the
comeback
is
always
stronger.
"
【重新出发】
4.
"Pain
is
temporary,
but
the
memories
of
a
game-winning
shot
are
forever.
"
【痛并快乐着】
5.
"Injuries
can
break
bones,
but
they
can
never
break
the
love
for
the
game.
"
【对篮球的坚守】
6.
"Sometimes
you
have
to
sit
on
the
sidelines
to
appreciate
the
beauty
of
the
game.
"
【默默奉献】
7.
"Injuries
can
make
you
feel
weak
but
overcoming
them
makes
you
stronger.
"
【强者恒强】
8.
"When
one
door
closes,
another
one
opens.
Injuries
are
no
different.
"
【转机始于坚持】
9.
"The
pain
of
an
injury
can
only
be
surpassed
by
the
joy
of
a
comeback.
"
【重生之后】
10.
"Injuries
teach
you
to
be
patient
and
persevere.
"
【坚忍不拔】
11.
"Injuries
are
part
of
the
game,
but
it's
how
you
respond
to
them
that
defines
you
as
a
player.
"
【态度决定一切】
12.
"The
love
for
the
game
is
stronger
than
any
injury.
"
【对篮球的眷恋】
13.
"Injuries
test
your
strength,
but
they
also
test
your
heart.
"
【心有多大,舞台就有多广】
14.
"An
injury
doesn't
mean
the
end
of
your
career,
it's
a
chance
to
come
back
stronger.
"
【不言败,乘风而起】
15.
"A
true
champion
is
someone
who
overcomes
adversity,
including
injury.
"
【雄心壮志】
16.
"The
pain
of
an
injury
is
temporary,
but
the
inspiration
it
brings
can
last
a
lifetime.
"
【打牢领悟】
17.
"Injuries
may
sideline
you
temporarily,
but
they
will
never
sideline
your
passion
and
drive.
"
【坚定不移】
18.
"You
learn
a
lot
about
yourself
and
your
team
when
you
go
through
an
injury.
"
【更好的自我认知】
19.
"Injuries
can
either
break
you
or
make
you
stronger.
The
choice
is
yours.
"
【走出泥淖】
20.
"An
injury
is
just
a
temporary
setback,
but
the
love
for
the
game
is
everlasting.
"
【永不忘记】
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