1.
"Life
moves
pretty
fast.
If
you
don't
stop
and
look
around
once
in
a
while,
you
could
miss
it.
"
-
Ferris
Bueller
【#LiveInTheMoment】
2.
"You
can't
rush
your
healing,
darkness
has
its
teachings.
"
-
Trevor
Hall
【#TakeTimeToHeal】
3.
"Slow
down
and
enjoy
life.
It's
not
only
the
scenery
you
miss
by
going
too
fast
-
you
also
miss
the
sense
of
where
you
are
going
and
why.
"
-
Eddie
Cantor
【#SlowDown】
4.
"Don't
compare
your
life
to
others.
There's
no
comparison
between
the
sun
and
the
moon.
They
shine
when
it's
their
time.
"
-
Unknown
【#FollowYourOwnPath】
5.
"The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
"
-
Steve
Jobs
【#LoveWhatYouDo】
6.
"We
must
be
willing
to
let
go
of
the
life
we
have
planned,
so
as
to
have
the
life
that
is
waiting
for
us.
"
-
Joseph
Campbell
【#LetGoOfExpectations】
7.
"Life
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
"
-
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson
【#EnjoyTheJourney】
8.
"The
best
way
to
predict
your
future
is
to
create
it.
"
-
Abraham
Lincoln
【#TakeAction】
9.
"Sometimes
the
questions
are
complicated
and
the
answers
are
simple.
"
-
Dr.
Seuss
【#Simplify】
10.
"You
are
never
too
old
to
set
another
goal
or
to
dream
a
new
dream.
"
-
C.
S.
Lewis
【#AgeIsJustANumber】
11.
"Believe
you
can
and
you're
halfway
there.
"
-
Theodore
Roosevelt
【#PositiveThinking】
12.
"The
best
things
in
life
are
the
people
we
love,
the
places
we've
been,
and
the
memories
we've
made
along
the
way.
"
-
Unknown
【#CherishMemories】
13.
"What
you
think,
you
become.
What
you
feel,
you
attract.
What
you
imagine,
you
create.
"
-
Buddha
【#LawOfAttraction】
14.
"Life
is
10%
what
happens
to
us
and
90%
how
we
react
to
it.
"
-
Charles
R.
Swindoll
【#AttitudeIsEverything】
15.
"The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
-
Nelson
Mandela
【#Resilience】
16.
"The
only
true
wisdom
is
in
knowing
you
know
nothing.
"
-
Socrates
【#StayHumble】
17.
"Life
isn't
about
waiting
for
the
storm
to
pass,
it's
about
learning
to
dance
in
the
rain.
"
-
Vivian
Greene
【#EmbraceChallenges】
18.
"Life
is
like
riding
a
bicycle.
To
keep
your
balance,
you
must
keep
moving.
"
-
Albert
Einstein
【#KeepMovingForward】
19.
"If
you
look
at
what
you
have
in
life,
you'll
always
have
more.
If
you
look
at
what
you
don't
have
in
life,
you'll
never
have
enough.
"
-
Oprah
Winfrey
【#GratitudeAttitude】
20.
"Life
is
too
short
to
waste
time
hating
anyone.
"
-
Unknown
【#SpreadLoveNotHate】
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