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1.
"Money
may
buy
you
a
fancy
dinner,
but
love
will
serve
you
a
feast
of
the
heart.
"】
2.
"While
money
can
provide
comfort,
it's
love
that
brings
warmth
to
your
soul.
"】
3.
"Love
is
the
currency
that
enriches
our
lives
far
beyond
any
amount
of
money.
"】
4.
"A
heart
filled
with
love
is
the
greatest
treasure,
worth
more
than
any
material
wealth.
"】
5.
"Love
has
the
power
to
transform
even
the
wealthiest
of
lives
into
something
truly
meaningful.
"】
6.
"Money
can't
buy
the
joy
of
a
simple
touch
or
the
comfort
of
a
gentle
embrace.
"】
7.
"True
love
is
priceless,
and
its
value
can
never
be
measured
in
monetary
terms.
"】
8.
"Love
is
a
precious
gift
that
no
amount
of
money
can
ever
replicate.
"】
9.
"Without
love,
money
is
merely
a
hollow
symbol
of
success.
"】
10.
"Invest
in
love,
for
it
yields
a
return
that
money
could
never
hope
to
match.
"】
11.
"Love
offers
a
wealth
that
far
surpasses
any
material
possession.
"】
12.
"While
money
can
buy
temporary
happiness,
only
love
can
bring
true
and
lasting
contentment.
"】
13.
"The
truest
form
of
wealth
is
not
found
in
bank
accounts,
but
in
the
love
and
connections
we
foster.
"】
14.
"Love
is
the
ultimate
fortune
that
transcends
the
boundaries
of
wealth
and
status.
"】
15.
"In
matters
of
the
heart,
money
holds
no
sway.
"】
16.
"A
life
without
love
is
like
a
sea
without
water,
no
matter
how
abundant
the
money.
"】
17.
"Money
can
buy
fleeting
pleasures,
but
love
fills
our
souls
with
everlasting
joy.
"】
18.
"Chasing
money
may
bring
temporary
security,
but
chasing
love
brings
lasting
fulfillment.
"】
19.
"Money
can
be
lost
or
gained,
but
love
is
a
constant
force
that
sustains
us
through
it
all.
"】
20.
"Love
and
money
may
exist
side
by
side,
but
ultimately,
it
is
the
power
of
love
that
triumphs.
"】