1.
When
financial
insecurity
creeps
in,
it
can
be
challenging
to
maintain
a
healthy
and
fulfilling
sex
life.
【困难句子】
2.
Money
problems
can
lead
to
stress
and
tension
in
a
marriage,
which
can
affect
intimacy
between
partners.
【困难句子】
3.
It’s
important
for
couples
to
communicate
openly
about
their
financial
struggles
and
find
ways
to
support
each
other
emotionally
and
physically.
【困难句子】
4.
Financial
stress
can
also
cause
individuals
to
feel
unattractive
or
undeserving
of
pleasure,
which
can
further
complicate
a
couple’s
sexual
relationship.
【困难句子】
5.
When
budgets
are
tight,
it
can
be
easy
to
neglect
self-care
and
prioritize
survival,
leaving
little
energy
for
intimacy
and
connection.
【困难句子】
6.
Finding
creative
ways
to
save
money
and
prioritize
quality
time
together
can
help
alleviate
the
strain
of
financial
difficulties
on
a
couple’s
sex
life.
【困难句子】
7.
Remembering
the
reasons
why
you
fell
in
love
in
the
first
place
can
be
a
powerful
motivator
for
maintaining
intimacy
during
tough
financial
times.
【困难句子】
8.
Lack
of
privacy
or
space
in
cramped
living
conditions
can
make
it
difficult
to
carve
out
time
for
sexual
intimacy.
【困难句子】
9.
Feeling
guilty
about
spending
money
on
non-essential
items
can
make
it
hard
to
indulge
in
romantic
gestures
and
activities
with
your
partner.
【困难句子】
10.
Unaddressed
financial
problems
can
create
a
breeding
ground
for
resentment
and
anger,
which
can
quickly
erode
the
foundation
of
a
relationship.
【困难句子】
11.
Embarrassment
or
shame
about
financial
struggles
can
make
it
hard
for
couples
to
ask
for
help,
leading
to
prolonged
hardship
and
estrangement.
【困难句子】
12.
Financial
woes
can
lead
to
exhaustion
and
depleted
energy
levels,
making
it
hard
to
find
the
motivation
for
physical
intimacy
with
your
partner.
【困难句子】
13.
Balancing
the
demands
of
work
and
financial
responsibilities
can
leave
little
time
or
energy
for
cultivating
a
healthy
sex
life
within
a
marriage.
【困难句子】
14.
Struggling
to
make
ends
meet
can
make
it
hard
for
couples
to
invest
in
their
own
pleasure
and
happiness,
leading
to
a
sense
of
disconnection
and
sadness.
【困难句子】
15.
Feeling
like
you
can’t
afford
to
explore
or
experiment
sexually
can
limit
the
growth
and
evolution
of
a
couple’s
sexual
relationship.
【困难句子】
16.
Reliance
on
unhealthy
coping
mechanisms,
such
as
substance
abuse
or
overeating,
can
further
strain
a
couple’s
sex
life
and
overall
relationship.
【困难句子】
17.
Financial
struggles
can
leave
little
room
for
spontaneity
and
romance,
making
it
difficult
for
couples
to
cultivate
desire
and
passion
within
the
relationship.
【困难句子】
18.
When
couples
are
struggling
financially,
it
can
be
hard
to
meet
each
other’s
needs
and
prioritize
mutual
pleasure
and
satisfaction.
【困难句子】
19.
Money
worries
can
create
a
sense
of
hopelessness
and
despair,
which
can
be
hard
to
overcome
when
trying
to
rebuild
a
sexual
connection
with
your
partner.
【困难句子】
20.
Despite
the
hardships
that
financial
difficulties
can
create,
it’s
important
to
remember
that
intimacy
and
connection
within
a
marriage
is
a
valuable
investment
that
can
help
overcome
any
obstacle.
【困难句子】
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