1.
“Design
is
the
poetry
of
form,
the
harmony
of
function,
and
the
beauty
of
intention.
”】
2.
“Aesthetics
is
the
pursuit
of
beauty
and
the
quest
for
perfection
in
everything
we
create.
”】
3.
“Creativity
is
not
just
about
forming
new
ideas,
but
it’s
also
about
delivering
them
in
the
most
beautiful
way
possible.
”】
4.
“Beauty
is
in
the
eye
of
the
beholder,
and
great
design
is
appreciated
by
all.
”】
5.
“Design
can
move
us
emotionally,
intellectually
and
even
spiritually,
and
that’s
the
power
of
its
beauty.
”】
6.
“Design
makes
the
invisible
visible,
the
complex
simple
and
the
ordinary
extraordinary.
”】
7.
“Design
is
the
language
of
communication,
the
feeling
of
emotion
and
the
vision
of
imagination.
”】
8.
“A
well-designed
object
is
not
just
visually
appealing,
but
it
also
creates
a
sense
of
harmony
between
form
and
function.
”】
9.
“Design
is
the
art
of
balancing
creativity
and
practicality
to
create
something
that
is
both
beautiful
and
useful.
”】
10.
“The
beauty
of
design
is
not
just
what
we
see
on
the
surface,
but
it
also
lies
in
the
thought
and
intention
behind
it.
”】
11.
“Design
is
a
blend
of
inspiration,
creativity,
innovation,
and
elegance
that
makes
the
world
a
better
place.
”】
12.
“The
power
of
good
design
is
that
it
can
influence
behavior,
inspire
change
and
create
a
better
future.
”】
13.
“Design
is
the
color
of
life,
the
music
of
the
soul,
and
the
poetry
of
the
heart.
”】
14.
“The
true
essence
of
design
is
not
just
about
aesthetics,
but
also
about
enhancing
the
user
experience.
”】
15.
“Design
is
the
art
of
storytelling,
and
the
beauty
lies
in
how
it
captures
our
imagination.
”】
16.
“The
beauty
of
design
lies
in
its
ability
to
transcend
culture,
language
and
time,
and
appeal
to
the
sensibilities
of
all
humanity.
”】
17.
“Design
is
the
fusion
of
creativity
and
technology,
and
it
empowers
us
to
change
the
world.
”】
18.
“The
beauty
of
design
is
that
it
can
be
both
fashionable
and
timeless,
and
it
leaves
a
lasting
impression
on
our
memories.
”】
19.
“Design
is
not
just
a
process,
but
it’s
also
a
mindset
that
embraces
experimentation,
iteration
and
innovation.
”】
20.
“The
beauty
of
design
is
not
just
in
what
we
create
but
also
in
the
joy
and
satisfaction
that
comes
from
the
act
of
creating
it.
”】
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