1.
"The
sound
of
the
ball
hitting
the
glove
is
the
sound
of
comfort
to
my
troubled
soul.
"
【#BaseballRelief】
2.
"On
the
field,
forget
all
my
worries
and
just
focus
on
the
game.
"
【#BallfieldMedicine】
3.
"The
crack
of
the
bat
is
music
to
my
ears,
therapy
to
my
mind.
"
【#BattingTherapy】
4.
"Sometimes
life
throws
curveballs,
but
on
the
field,
know
how
to
handle
them.
"
【#CurveballsChallenge】
5.
"Playing
ball
is
the
only
thing
that
makes
me
feel
truly
alive.
"
【#AliveOnTheField】
6.
"In
a
world
full
of
chaos,
the
game
gives
me
a
sense
of
order.
"
【#OrderOnTheField】
7.
"The
dirt
on
my
uniform
is
a
symbol
of
my
hard
work
and
dedication.
"
【#GrindPride】
8.
"There's
nothing
like
the
feeling
of
a
home
run
to
lift
my
spirits.
"
【#HomeRunEuphoria】
9.
"I
may
strike
out
on
the
field,
but
will
never
give
up.
"
【#NeverGivingUp】
10.
"The
smell
of
fresh
cut
grass
and
the
sounds
of
laughter
on
the
field
are
pure
bliss.
"
【#PureBlissOnTheField】
11.
"Even
when
I'm
not
playing,
find
comfort
just
being
near
the
field.
"
【#FieldMagic】
12.
"The
game
doesn't
care
who
you
are
or
what
you've
been
through.
It's
all
about
what
you
do
on
the
field.
"
【#FieldEquality】
13.
"Baseball
is
not
just
a
game,
it's
a
way
of
life.
"
【#BaseballLife】
14.
"When
step
on
the
field,
nothing
else
matters.
"
【#FieldEscape】
15.
"The
peace
find
on
the
field
is
priceless.
"
【#PricelessPeaceOnTheField】
16.
"The
game
of
baseball
is
a
story
of
triumph
and
heartbreak,
but
wouldn't
want
it
any
other
way.
"
【#BaseballStories】
17.
"The
game
may
break
my
heart,
but
it
will
never
break
my
spirit.
"
【#UnbreakableSpirit】
18.
"The
game
of
baseball
is
a
canvas,
and
with
every
pitch,
we
paint
our
own
masterpiece.
"
【#BaseballArt】
19.
"I
may
not
be
the
best
player
on
the
field,
but
will
give
it
my
all
every
time.
"
【#GivingItMyAll】
20.
"In
the
game
of
baseball,
we
don't
just
play
for
ourselves,
we
play
for
the
team.
"
【#TeamSpirit】
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