1.
"Love
is
a
beautiful
game,
but
sometimes
it
can
end
with
a
fatal
blow.
"】
2.
"When
love
turns
toxic,
there's
only
one
way
to
survive
-
kill
it
before
it
kills
you.
"】
3.
"Love
is
not
meant
to
hurt,
but
if
it
does,
you
have
the
power
to
end
it.
"】
4.
"Killing
love
doesn't
mean
you're
weak,
it
means
you're
strong
enough
to
protect
yourself.
"】
5.
"Love
may
be
a
battlefield,
but
it
doesn't
have
to
leave
casualties.
"】
6.
"The
hardest
part
of
killing
love
is
accepting
that
it
was
never
meant
to
be.
"】
7.
"Sometimes,
the
best
way
to
love
someone
is
to
let
them
go.
But
if
they
refuse
to
leave,
it's
time
to
kill
their
hold
on
you.
"】
8.
"Don't
mourn
the
loss
of
love,
celebrate
the
freedom
it
brings.
"】
9.
"Killing
love
is
not
an
act
of
vengeance,
it's
an
act
of
self-preservation.
"】
10.
"Love
can
be
a
beautiful
poison,
but
the
antidote
is
to
cut
it
out
completely.
"】
11.
"When
love
becomes
suffocating,
it's
time
to
take
a
breath
of
fresh
air
by
ending
it.
"】
12.
"Killing
love
may
feel
like
a
sacrifice,
but
sometimes
it's
necessary
for
your
own
happiness.
"】
13.
"Love
should
never
make
you
feel
trapped,
but
if
it
does,
it's
time
to
break
free
by
killing
it.
"】
14.
"Don't
hold
onto
love
for
the
sake
of
being
in
love;
kill
it
if
it's
not
worth
keeping.
"】
15.
"Killing
love
is
not
a
sign
of
defeat,
it's
a
sign
of
strength
and
self-respect.
"】
16.
"Ending
love
doesn't
mean
erasing
the
memories,
it
means
learning
from
them
and
moving
forward.
"】
17.
"Sometimes
love
can
become
a
monster,
and
the
only
way
to
defeat
it
is
by
killing
it.
"】
18.
"Killing
love
may
be
painful,
but
it's
better
than
living
with
a
broken
heart.
"】
19.
"Love
should
never
be
a
prison,
but
if
it
is,
you
have
the
power
to
unlock
the
door
by
killing
it.
"】
20.
"Killing
love
is
not
the
end
-
it's
the
beginning
of
a
new
chapter
in
your
life.
"】
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