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1.
"The
flowers
may
have
withered
away,
but
their
soulful
fragrance
lingered
on,
and
they
bloomed
again
with
a
renewed
zest
for
life.
"
【唯美】
2.
"The
petals
may
have
wilted,
but
the
memories
they
left
behind
were
etched
forever
in
our
hearts.
"
【感慨】
3.
"Just
like
the
Phoenix,
the
flowers
too
rise
from
their
ashes
to
start
a
new
journey
of
life
and
beauty.
"
【比喻】
4.
"The
miracle
of
life
can
be
witnessed
in
the
blooming
of
a
flower
that
was
once
thought
to
be
dead.
"
【奇迹】
5.
"The
flowers
remind
us
that
even
in
the
darkest
of
times,
there
is
always
hope
for
a
new
beginning.
"
【启示】
6.
"The
cycle
of
life
is
beautifully
depicted
in
the
journey
of
a
flower
that
dies
and
resurrects,
only
to
bloom
again
in
all
its
glory.
"
【哲理】
7.
"The
beauty
of
a
flower
lies
not
in
its
petals,
but
in
the
resilience
it
shows
in
coming
back
to
life
after
a
period
of
dormancy.
"
【领悟】
8.
"Through
the
trials
of
life,
the
flowers
teach
us
the
importance
of
patience
and
perseverance
in
reaching
our
goals.
"
【教育】
9.
"The
fragility
of
a
flower
is
matched
only
by
its
will
to
overcome
adversity
and
blossom
once
again.
"
【坚韧】
10.
"Death
may
claim
the
physical
form
of
a
flower,
but
its
spirit
lives
on
in
the
essence
it
has
left
behind.
"
【精神】
11.
"The
journey
of
a
flower
mirrors
the
journey
of
life,
filled
with
moments
of
joy
and
sorrow,
and
punctuated
by
moments
of
rebirth
and
renewal.
"
【生命】
12.
"In
the
resurrection
of
flowers,
we
see
the
promise
of
a
new
beginning,
and
the
opportunity
to
turn
a
new
leaf.
"
【希望】
13.
"In
the
cycle
of
bloom
and
decay,
we
find
the
true
meaning
of
beauty,
as
it
transcends
age,
time
and
circumstance.
"
【美丽】
14.
"Let
the
flowers
be
a
reminder
of
the
fleeting
nature
of
life
and
the
impermanence
of
all
things,
except
the
memories
that
we
create.
"
【警醒】
15.
"The
rejuvenation
of
a
flower
after
it
dies
is
the
ultimate
expression
of
the
power
of
nature
to
restore
and
renew
all
things.
"
【自然】
16.
"The
flowers,
like
the
dreams
we
hold
dear,
may
fall
to
earth,
but
they
rise
like
a
phoenix
to
live
again.
"
【梦想】
17.
"The
flowers
may
fall,
but
they
pick
themselves
up
just
as
gracefully,
to
continue
their
journey
of
beauty
and
grace.
"
【恢复】
18.
"The
resurrection
of
a
flower
is
a
testament
to
the
power
of
life
that
surges
through
everything
that
lives
and
breathes.
"
【生命力】
19.
"In
the
death
of
a
flower,
we
find
the
will
to
live
on,
and
the
strength
to
overcome
all
obstacles
that
come
our
way.
"
【力量】
20.
"The
flowers,
like
the
symphony
of
life,
rise
and
fall
with
such
ease
and
grace,
filling
our
hearts
with
wonder
and
awe.
"
【音乐】