1.
"Money
can't
buy
love,
but
it
can
create
opportunities
to
find
it.
"】
2.
"Love
is
priceless,
but
it
doesn't
pay
the
bills.
"】
3.
"When
money
becomes
the
focus,
love
loses
its
value.
"】
4.
"In
the
game
of
life,
money
is
just
a
piece,
love
is
the
ultimate
prize.
"】
5.
"The
richest
people
are
those
who
are
surrounded
by
love,
not
just
wealth.
"】
6.
"Love
has
the
power
to
make
the
poorest
soul
feel
like
the
richest.
"】
7.
"Money
may
offer
comfort,
but
love
provides
genuine
happiness.
"】
8.
"Two
hearts
united
by
love
can
conquer
any
financial
obstacle.
"】
9.
"Don't
confuse
fleeting
riches
with
everlasting
love.
"】
10.
"Love
knows
no
economic
boundaries,
it
is
blind
to
wealth
or
poverty.
"】
11.
"True
love
is
not
measured
by
the
size
of
a
bank
account.
"】
12.
"Money
can't
mend
a
broken
heart,
but
love
can
heal
it.
"】
13.
"Invest
in
love,
and
you'll
reap
a
wealth
that
no
money
can
buy.
"】
14.
"When
money
flows,
love
grows.
"】
15.
"Love
is
a
currency
that
enriches
the
soul,
while
money
is
a
currency
that
fills
the
pockets.
"】
16.
"Money
may
bring
temporary
happiness,
but
love
brings
everlasting
joy.
"】
17.
"The
key
to
a
happy
life
is
finding
the
right
balance
between
money
and
love.
"】
18.
"Love
is
the
foundation
of
a
strong
relationship;
money
is
merely
a
bonus.
"】
19.
"One
can
live
without
excessive
wealth,
but
one
cannot
live
without
love.
"】
20.
"Money
may
come
and
go,
but
true
love
remains
forever.
"】
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