1.
Simplicity
is
the
ultimate
sophistication.
【-
Leonardo
da
Vinci】
2.
The
simplest
things
in
life
are
often
the
most
beautiful.
【-
Unknown】
3.
Happiness
is
not
in
the
complexity
of
life,
but
in
its
simplicity.
【-
Unknown】
4.
simple
life
is
a
happy
life.
【-
Unknown】
5.
It's
not
about
having
more,
it's
about
finding
joy
in
what
you
already
have.
【-
Unknown】
6.
Simplify
your
life
and
focus
on
the
things
that
matter.
【-Unknown】
7.
Clutter
in
your
physical
surroundings
will
clutter
your
mind
and
spirit.
【-
Eleanor
Brown】
8.
The
joy
of
living
simply
is
that
everything
around
you
becomes
beautiful.
【-
Hermann
Hesse】
9.
In
order
to
live
a
free
and
fulfilled
life,
simplify
everything
around
you.
【-
Leo
Babauta】
10.
Happiness
is
found
in
the
present
moment
and
the
simplicity
of
life.
【-
Eckhart
Tolle】
11.
The
more
simple
we
become,
the
more
complete
we
are.
【-
August
Rodin】
12.
Minimalism
is
the
art
of
knowing
how
much
is
enough.
【-
Unknown】
13.
Simplicity
is
not
about
sacrificing
quality,
it's
about
prioritizing
what's
important.
【-
Unknown】
14.
simple
life
allows
more
time
for
the
things
that
truly
matter.
【-
Unknown】
15.
The
things
you
own
end
up
owning
you.
Simplify
your
life
and
own
less.
【-
Chuck
Palahniuk】
16.
Life
is
already
complicated,
why
make
it
more
complex?
【-
Unknown】
17.
The
less
you
have,
the
less
you
have
to
worry
about.
【-
Unknown】
18.
The
secret
to
happiness
is
not
found
in
material
possessions,
but
in
living
a
simple
life.
【-
Unknown】
19.
Simplicity
is
the
key
to
a
peaceful
mind
and
a
happy
heart.
【-
Unknown】
20.
The
more
you
simplify
your
life,
the
more
you
can
appreciate
every
moment.
【-
Unknown】
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