声明:内容来自互联网不代表本站观点,转载请注明:https://www.66688884.com/Gp1HuexfKscd.html
1.
"Laughter
is
the
best
medicine,
but
sometimes
wonder
if
tears
are
the
cure.
"
【Sadness】
2.
"The
colors
of
the
rainbow
are
beautiful,
but
they
can't
hide
the
emptiness
inside.
"
【Empty
inside】
3.
"I
smile
and
laugh,
but
behind
it
all,
I'm
dying
a
little
inside
every
day.
"
【Pretend
to
be
happy】
4.
"I
never
knew
that
a
heart
could
break
and
keep
beating,
but
here
am.
"
【Heartbreak】
5.
"There's
a
storm
inside
my
head
that
can't
seem
to
shake
off.
"
【Mental
pain】
6.
"It's
hard
to
explain
the
pain
when
you
can't
even
understand
it
yourself.
"
【Difficult
to
express】
7.
"I
miss
the
person
used
to
be,
the
one
who
didn't
feel
so
broken
and
lost.
"
【Lost】
8.
"Sometimes
wish
could
just
disappear
and
start
over
somewhere
new.
"
【Want
to
escape】
9.
"I'm
tired
of
pretending
everything's
okay
when
it's
really
not.
"
【Tired】
10.
"I
don't
want
to
be
alone,
but
sometimes
it
feels
like
that's
all
have.
"
【Loneliness】
11.
"It's
funny
how
the
people
who
hurt
us
the
most
are
the
ones
we
care
about
the
most.
"
【Hurt
by
loved
ones】
12.
"I'm
drowning
in
a
sea
of
emotions
that
can't
seem
to
navigate.
"
【Overwhelmed】
13.
"It's
hard
to
imagine
a
future
when
the
present
feels
so
unbearable.
"
【Hopelessness】
14.
"I
wish
could
turn
back
time
and
change
the
things
that
hurt
me
the
most.
"
【Regret】
15.
"I'm
tired
of
feeling
like
I'm
always
the
one
who
cares
more.
"
【One-sided
love】
16.
"I
wish
could
erase
the
memories
that
haunt
me
at
night.
"
【Haunted】
17.
"It's
hard
to
move
forward
when
the
past
keeps
pulling
you
back.
"
【Stuck
in
the
past】
18.
"I'm
afraid
of
getting
hurt
again,
but
I'm
even
more
afraid
of
never
feeling
anything
at
all.
"
【Fear
of
love】
19.
"I
don't
know
who
am
anymore,
and
sometimes
that
terrifies
me.
"
【Identity
crisis】
20.
"I
never
thought
I'd
be
the
kind
of
person
who
cries
themselves
to
sleep,
but
here
am.
"
【Tears
at
night】