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1.
"Life
is
like
a
complex
equation,
sometimes
even
a
genius
like
Hawking
can't
solve
it.
"
【波澜壮阔】
2.
"In
the
vast
universe,
we
are
just
tiny
dust.
But
every
dust
has
its
own
unique
existence
and
significance.
"
【微不足道】
3.
"The
power
of
imagination
can
take
us
beyond
the
limits
of
time
and
space.
"
【无限可能】
4.
"Love
is
the
most
powerful
force
in
the
universe.
It
can
conquer
even
the
darkest
black
hole.
"
【千里之堤毁于蚁穴】
5.
"Our
lives
are
like
fireworks,
shining
brightly
for
a
brief
moment
before
fading
away.
"
【璀璨人生】
6.
"The
beauty
of
science
lies
in
its
ability
to
reveal
the
mysteries
of
the
world
around
us.
"
【探索未知】
7.
"We
are
all
made
of
stardust,
and
one
day
we
will
return
to
the
universe
that
created
us.
"
【星辰大海】
8.
"The
secrets
of
the
universe
are
hidden
in
the
smallest
of
particles,
waiting
to
be
uncovered.
"
【微观世界】
9.
"Life
is
a
journey,
and
every
step
we
take
shapes
our
destiny.
"
【命运之路】
10.
"The
universe
is
full
of
wonders,
and
the
more
we
discover,
the
more
we
realize
how
much
we
don't
know.
"
【无尽奇迹】
11.
"The
greatest
tragedy
of
life
is
not
death,
but
the
failure
to
live.
"
【珍惜生命】
12.
"Science
is
not
just
a
collection
of
facts,
but
a
way
of
thinking
about
the
world.
"
【科学思维】
13.
"The
most
precious
gift
we
can
give
is
our
time,
for
it
is
the
most
limited
and
valuable
resource
we
have.
"
【匆匆岁月】
14.
"Our
lives
are
shaped
by
the
choices
we
make,
and
the
consequences
of
those
choices.
"
【果报自受】
15.
"The
universe
is
a
vast
and
beautiful
tapestry,
woven
together
by
the
forces
of
nature.
"
【宏伟壮丽】
16.
"Time
is
the
ultimate
currency,
and
how
we
spend
it
determines
the
quality
of
our
lives.
"
【时光荏苒】
17.
"The
universe
is
full
of
mysteries,
waiting
to
be
explored
and
discovered.
"
【奥秘无穷】
18.
"Life
is
a
journey
of
self-discovery,
and
the
more
we
learn
about
ourselves,
the
closer
we
get
to
understanding
the
world
around
us.
"
【自我探索】
19.
"The
laws
of
physics
may
govern
the
universe,
but
it
is
our
creativity
and
imagination
that
shape
our
world.
"
【想象力无限】
20.
"The
legacy
of
a
great
scientist
like
Hawking
is
not
just
the
knowledge
they
leave
behind,
but
the
inspiration
they
provide
for
future
generations
to
continue
the
quest
for
knowledge.
"
【科学传承】