1.
"Sometimes
wonder
if
the
sadness
is
just
a
part
of
who
am.
"
【#SadnessIsMe】
2.
"I
wish
could
forget
the
pain,
but
it
just
lingers
like
a
haunting
melody.
"
【#HauntedByPain】
3.
"The
silence
in
my
heart
is
louder
than
any
noise
in
the
world.
"
【#SilentHeart】
4.
"Every
time
try
to
heal,
the
wounds
just
keep
opening
up
again.
"
【#WoundsThatDon'tHeal】
5.
"I
never
knew
that
the
hardest
battle
would
face
would
be
with
my
own
mind.
"
【#MentalWarfare】
6.
"I
keep
searching
for
happiness,
but
it
seems
like
a
distant
dream.
"
【#ChasingDreams】
7.
"Rainy
days
are
the
worst
because
they
match
the
tears
falling
from
my
eyes.
"
【#TearsInRain】
8.
"I
don't
know
how
to
let
go
of
the
past
when
it
feels
like
it's
still
alive
inside
of
me.
"
【#HauntedByThePast】
9.
"The
loneliness
is
crippling,
but
it's
the
only
thing
that's
constant
in
my
life.
"
【#LonelyHeart】
10.
"I'm
tired
of
pretending
to
be
okay
when
I'm
falling
apart
inside.
"
【#PretendingIsExhausting】
11.
"Love
is
supposed
to
heal,
but
sometimes
it
just
hurts
too
much.
"
【#LoveHurts】
12.
"I
miss
the
person
used
to
be
before
the
world
broke
me.
"
【#BrokenInside】
13.
"The
hardest
goodbyes
are
the
ones
we
never
got
to
say.
"
【#UnsaidGoodbyes】
14.
"Sometimes
wish
could
go
back
to
before
knew
how
much
it
hurt
to
feel.
"
【#BeforeThePain】
15.
"I
don't
know
how
to
fix
myself
when
feel
like
I'm
irreparably
broken.
"
【#BrokenBeyondRepair】
16.
"The
future
is
a
blank
canvas,
but
I'm
too
afraid
to
paint
anything
on
it.
"
【#AfraidOfTheFuture】
17.
"It's
hard
to
trust
people
when
the
ones
who
were
supposed
to
love
you
the
most
didn't.
"
【#BrokenTrust】
18.
"I
thought
time
would
heal
the
wounds,
but
it
only
makes
them
ache
more.
"
【#TimeDoesn'tHealAllWounds】
19.
"I'm
so
tired
of
being
strong.
just
want
someone
to
hold
me
and
tell
me
it's
okay
to
be
weak.
"
【#TiredOfBeingStrong】
20.
"I
know
I'm
not
the
only
one
who
feels
this
way,
but
sometimes
it
feels
like
it.
"
【#NotAloneInSadness】
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