1.
"A
cup
of
tea
is
a
cup
of
peace.
"
-
Sen
Soshitsu
【茶,一杯和平。
】
2.
"Tea
is
an
act
complete
in
its
simplicity.
"
-
Thich
Nhat
Hanh
【茶,其简单之美完美展现。
】
3.
"There
is
no
trouble
so
great
or
grave
that
cannot
be
much
diminished
by
a
cup
of
tea.
"
-
Bernard-Paul
Heroux
【没有什么麻烦,没有什么严重的事情是一杯茶不能减轻的。
】
4.
"Tea
is
the
elixir
of
life.
"
-
Lao
Tzu
【茶,乃人类之仙丹。
】
5.
"Tea
is
a
religion
of
the
art
of
life.
"
-
Kakuzo
Okakura
【茶,是一门艺术的宗教。
】
6.
"Tea
is
the
magic
key
to
the
vault
where
my
brain
is
kept.
"
-
Frances
Hardinge
【茶,是打开我大脑宝库的魔法钥匙。
】
7.
"I
always
keep
a
supply
of
stimulant
handy
in
case
see
a
snake,
which
also
keep
handy.
"
-
W.
C.
Fields
【我总是常备提神的茶水,以防我看到蛇,而蛇也常备在我的身边。
】
8.
"Tea,
though
ridiculed
by
those
who
are
naturally
coarse
in
their
nervous
sensibilities,
will
always
be
the
favorite
beverage
of
the
intellectual.
"
-
Thomas
de
Quincey
【虽然被那些神经粗糙的人嘲笑,但茶水仍然将是知识分子最喜欢的饮品。
】
9.
"Tea
is
an
attitude
of
mind.
"
-
Kakuzo
Okakura
【茶,是心境的态度。
】
10.
"Tea
is
not
a
beverage,
it's
a
way
of
life.
"
-
Unknown
【茶,不仅是一种饮品,更是一种生活方式。
】
11.
"Tea
is
the
cup
that
clears
the
mind
and
soothes
the
soul.
"
-
Zen
proverb
【茶,杯中清新心灵,抚慰灵魂。
】
12.
"A
cup
of
tea
a
day
keeps
the
doctor
away.
"
-
Unknown
【每天一杯茶,远离医生。
】
13.
"Tea
is
liquid
wisdom.
"
-
Unknown
【茶,是一盏液体的智慧。
】
14.
"Tea
is
the
antidote
to
the
poison
of
life.
"
-
Unknown
【茶,是生命中解毒的良药。
】
15.
"A
tea
a
day
keeps
the
stress
away.
"
-
Unknown
【每天一杯茶,远离压力。
】
16.
"Tea
is
a
hug
in
a
cup.
"
-
Unknown
【茶,是杯中的拥抱。
】
17.
"Tea
is
poetry
in
a
cup.
"
-
Unknown
【茶,是杯中的诗歌。
】
18.
"Tea
is
a
ritual
that
stops
the
world
from
rushing
by.
"
-
Unknown
【茶,是一种仪式,用来阻止世界的喧嚣。
】
19.
"Tea
is
a
symbol
of
peace,
harmony,
and
tranquility.
"
-
Unknown
【茶,是和平、和谐和宁静的象征。
】
20.
"Tea
is
not
just
a
drink,
it's
an
experience.
"
-
Unknown
【茶,不只是饮品,更是一种体验。
】
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