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1.
Be
kind
to
yourself,
for
you
are
a
work
of
art
in
progress.
【温柔励志】
2.
tattoo
is
not
just
ink
on
skin,
it's
a
story
waiting
to
be
told.
【纹身英文句子】
3.
Every
scar
tells
a
story,
but
every
tattoo
is
a
purposeful
expression
of
self-love.
【温柔励志】
4.
Your
body
is
your
canvas,
and
a
tattoo
is
a
beautiful
brushstroke
in
the
masterpiece
of
your
life.
【纹身英文句子】
5.
Embrace
the
pain,
for
it's
the
sacrifice
you
make
for
the
beauty
that
lasts
a
lifetime.
【温柔励志】
6.
tattoo
is
not
just
a
fashion
statement,
it's
a
symbol
of
your
unique
identity.
【纹身英文句子】
7.
Don't
be
afraid
to
stand
out
in
a
world
that
tries
to
make
you
blend
in.
Tattoos
are
just
one
way
to
show
your
true
colors.
【温柔励志】
8.
tattoo
is
not
just
for
the
eyes
to
see,
it's
a
feeling
that
lingers
in
the
heart
and
soul.
【纹身英文句子】
9.
Life
is
full
of
imperfections,
but
a
beautiful
tattoo
can
turn
something
flawed
into
something
flawless.
【温柔励志】
10.
Your
body
is
not
just
a
vessel
to
carry
you
through
life,
it's
a
work
of
art
waiting
to
be
sculpted.
【纹身英文句子】
11.
tattoo
is
not
just
a
decoration,
it's
an
expression
of
your
deepest
desires
and
dreams.
【温柔励志】
12.
Sometimes
the
most
beautiful
things
in
life
come
from
the
darkest
experiences.
tattoo
can
be
a
symbol
of
healing
and
moving
forward.
【纹身英文句子】
13.
Be
brave
enough
to
wear
your
heart
on
your
sleeve,
or
on
your
skin.
tattoo
can
be
a
reminder
of
what
truly
matters.
【温柔励志】
14.
tattoo
is
not
just
a
statement,
it's
a
conversation
starter.
It
can
be
a
catalyst
for
connection
and
community.
【纹身英文句子】
15.
Don't
let
anyone
else
tell
you
what
your
body
should
look
like.
tattoo
can
be
an
act
of
rebellion
and
empowerment.
【温柔励志】
16.
Every
tattoo
has
a
story,
and
every
story
is
worth
sharing.
Don't
be
afraid
to
speak
up
and
be
proud
of
who
you
are.
【纹身英文句子】
17.
tattoo
is
not
just
a
piece
of
art,
it's
a
permanent
reminder
of
your
journey
in
life.
Wear
it
with
pride
and
love.
【温柔励志】
18.
Beauty
is
not
just
skin
deep,
it's
a
reflection
of
the
soul.
tattoo
can
be
a
mirror
of
your
innermost
self.
【纹身英文句子】
19.
tattoo
is
not
just
for
the
young
and
rebellious,
it's
for
anyone
who
wants
to
express
themselves
and
live
boldly.
【温柔励志】
20.
Life
is
too
short
to
spend
it
hiding
your
true
self.
tattoo
can
be
a
declaration
of
your
individuality
and
freedom.
【纹身英文句子】