1.
"Spend
wisely
now,
and
cherish
abundance
later.
"
【节俭现在,珍惜未来。
】
2.
"Small
acts
of
conservation
can
lead
to
great
rewards.
"
【小小的节约,带来巨大的回报。
】
3.
"Saving
isn't
about
giving
up,
it's
about
gaining
control.
"
【节省不是放弃,而是掌握控制权。
】
4.
"Waste
not,
want
not.
"
【勤俭不愁富。
】
5.
"The
greatest
luxury
is
living
within
your
means.
"
【最大的奢侈是不超支地生活。
】
6.
"Living
frugally
today
means
living
abundantly
tomorrow.
"
【今日节俭,明日丰收。
】
7.
"Saving
a
little
each
day
adds
up
to
big
results
in
the
end.
"
【每天省一点,最终成果惊人。
】
8.
"A
penny
saved
is
a
penny
earned.
"
【一分省下来就是一分赚到。
】
9.
"Efficient
use
of
resources
is
a
responsibility
we
all
share.
"
【高效利用资源是我们共同的责任。
】
10.
"Eco-friendly
choices
benefit
both
the
planet
and
your
wallet.
"
【环保的选择同时受益地球和你的钱包。
】
11.
"To
live
simply
is
to
live
beautifully.
"
【简单生活即是美丽人生。
】
12.
"Every
dollar
saved
is
a
step
closer
to
financial
freedom.
"
【每省一美元便走近财务自由。
】
13.
"Conservation
is
the
key
to
sustainability.
"
【保护是可持续的关键。
】
14.
"Frugality
is
the
habit
of
the
wise.
"
【节俭是智者的习惯。
】
15.
"Waste
is
a
symptom
of
neglect.
"
【浪费是疏忽的症状。
】
16.
"Saving
now
means
investing
in
your
future.
"
【现在省下来意味着为未来投资。
】
17.
"A
prosperous
future
starts
with
mindful
choices
today.
"
【富裕的未来始于今日的慎选。
】
18.
"Less
is
often
more,
especially
when
it
comes
to
spending.
"
【少即是多,特别是在花钱时。
】
19.
"The
thrill
of
a
bargain
is
fleeting,
but
the
sense
of
peace
from
saving
is
eternal.
"
【打折的刺激是短暂的,节约带来的平和却是永恒的。
】
20.
"When
we
learn
to
live
with
less,
we
realize
we
have
more
than
enough.
"
【当我们学会少有不足时,便发现我们已经拥有足够的东西。
】
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