1.
Start
with
the
end
in
mind.
想到了终点,自然就知道如何开始。
2.
The
only
way
to
do
great
work
is
to
love
what
you
do.
唯有热爱你的工作才能让你做出卓越的成就。
3.
Imagination
is
more
important
than
knowledge.
想象力比知识更重要。
4.
always
be
the
same,
never
be
the
same.
永远保持一致,永不保持一致。
5.
The
future
is
where
you're
making
the
most
noise.
未来是你在创造的地方。
6.
If
you
want
to
go
fast,
go
alone.
如果你想要迅速进步,就一个人前行。
7.
The
most
important
thing
is
not
how
many
times
you've
been
failed,
but
how
you've
learn
from
your
failures.
最重要的是,你从失败中学习了多少。
8.
Don't
look
for简单的方法,
there's
no
such
thing.
寻找简单的方法是不可能的。
9.
Start
where
you
are.
就地开始。
10.
停止抱怨,开始行动。
抱怨没有帮助,只有行动才能改变现状。
11.
The
only
way
to
get
to
the
top
is
to
work
hard.
只有努力工作才能获得成功。
12.
Don't
be
afraid
to
ask
for
help,
it
will
show
you
are
strong.
不要害怕寻求帮助,这显示出你坚强。
13.
恐惧只会让你犹豫不决,而犹豫只会使事情变得更糟。
14.
The
only
way
to
learn
is
to
teach.
学习的唯一方法是教学。
15.
成功的秘诀在于不断地尝试。
16.
动力来自内心,外表并不重要。
17.
The
world
is
not
about
what
you
can
do
for
others,
but
what
you
can
do
for
yourself.
世界不在于你为他人做了什么,而在于你为自己做了什么。
18.
成功的秘诀在于始终保持积极的心态。
19.
The
most
important
thing
is
not
to
get的成功,
but
to
get
out
of
bed.
最重要的是,不是如何获得成功,而是如何起床。
20.
Start
where
you
are,
and
don't
look
for
what
you
can't
do.
就地开始,不要试图你做不到的事情。
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